Ludwigsburg University of Education

Die LMU gehört zu den forschungsstärksten Universitäten Europas. Mit ihrem ausdifferenzierten Fächerspektrum verfügt sie über ein herausragendes Potenzial für zukunftsweisende Forschung. Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus dem In- und Ausland finden an der LMU hervorragende Rahmenbedingungen für ihre Forschung – in ihrem Fach wie auch im interdisziplinären Verbund.

Prof. Dr. Silvija Markic

My name is Silvija and I am a Professor for Chemistry  Education. Being a student with a migration background, I experienced what it means to be in a class, being motivated and interested but not being able to express yourself and participate in the discussions. It frustrated me a lot of the time. Starting from my biography, my motivation for the topic of linguistic heterogeneity in chemistry classes is even higher. Over the years I focused on research on students, teachers, and the parents and am focusing on developing materials for language-sensitive and language-supportive teaching and learning of science, supporting pre- and in-service science teachers in their competences to teach language-sensitive and language-supportive, and offering parents opportunities to support their children in the development of the language of science.


Jannis Memmen

My name is Jannis and I am a grammar  school teacher for Chemistry and Physics.  I work in this project as a Ph.D. student and will develop and evaluate the laboratory modules for our diverse science classes with the focus on upper secondary schools. For this, I am using the work which has already been developed by the partners (thank you for this) and will add more material. I had a chance to adapt the material and am impressed how well students work in the meaning of social inclusion.

Anja Wallner

Hi, I am Anja and I am grammar school teacher for chemistry and biology in Munich. My main topic is supervising students in the lab and talk to the teacher beforehand. Thus, a smooth visit and work in our students` laboratory is given. I really enjoy how students work. My favorit situation is to see how students can motivate each other and how the work in the lab crosses the borders of any kind of diversity of students. They all work great together!